Keep it natural.
Well, I figured that when you blog more, you'd rmb things that you did more.
So I guess part of me wants to stop being lazy in order to rmb what I actually did this year.
Let's hope I keep it up, hahahah, whatever.
So, today I got myself a new phone, with my dad's plan for Singtel to be exact.
SE Xperia X1, it's hell lots of functions and I think I don't need so many of them, but it's pretty nice phone, I wish it came it white as always, but the great great thing is that I can read manga on the go now! Plus it has MS Words/Ppt/Excel (Mobile), plus WiFi. Sounds pretty awesome eh? :)
I just wish it won't die on me like my previous phone did. After trading in my stupid ass phone, it costed me $108, which I offered to share with my dad, half the amt each person.
Geez, I don't wanna go to bed bcus when I open my eyes, it'd be time for school.
I know I sound like a kid, but I just.. have my reasons why I don't like to go to school now.
If only it was Sem1, I'd have more motivation then I've now. ):
Plus I got work later at 6.30pm, and E.D UT the next day, fabulous!
I haven't even studied for E.D UT yet.
Okay, gotta do smth before sleeping.
Why are all my posts this long? Dang, I don't think anyone'd have the patience to ever finish reading the whole post anw.
The sound of your breathing when you're close to me.
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