Okay, enough of me!

Epic but nice right? Hah.

This is damn retarded, look at my face! LOL MAN.
Best pictures that made me laugh like mad.

Damn funny I know.
Now this is why I love Lock's new Samsung camera so so much! It rocks.
The quality of the pictures may not be the best, but I think it's bcus the resolutions of the pictures on fb were pretty small. But the shutter speed and the ability to capture photos, this camera is truely awesome.
Everyone shld skip this wordy post, it doesn't concern you anw.
The time now is 3:06AM, it's saturday, 2/1/10.
When I write the date like this, it makes me feel like we're in Year 1000 (well, I wish)
Hahaha, okay crap, whatever.
I changed my mind bout blogging, didn't want to blog in the first place, but I still did.
2010, a year with smth to expect, finishing up Year 1 at RP, hopefully heading to TP.
I didn't rly set any new year resolutions this year, bcus half the time I forget bout them.
HAPPY 2010! Even though I'm one day late.
Well, this is the point whr pple make summaries bout what they did in 2009.
But due to my super short term memory, I couldn't rly remember much of it.
Be it good or bad, 2009 is history now, spending one whole sem with a lovely bunch of pple, W14B which I'm truely thankful of, bcus they made school fun for me.
Last year, I learn bout true friends that stay by your side, bcus of the changes in their lives, yours too.
Last year, I learnt how much I love some of my friends that I want to keep in years to come.
Last year, I had a big tiff with my 2nd sister which made our r/s gone really bad and it still isn't that fabulous now.
Last year, I changed. I learnt how to hide more of my real feelings.
Last year, I learnt that my emotions are like a book, yeap. This easy to read.
Last year, I found out how tedious it can get when you can't get along well with your new class.
Last year, I realise.. my parents aged. And I hate it how dependent I'm on them, how dependent I'm on my sisters, and even my maid. I hate myself for being such a loser all the time, everyone in the family normally compromise with my demands. I'm truely a horrible person.
Last year, my overall r/s improved with my family, esp with my mum, other than being so dependant, I realise I've been telling her everything that I could share which makes me feel happy.
Last year, I realise my dad is alot like me, character and temper wise. He loves to share when he find that you and him have smth in common, but loves to do things on his own, when he's quiet it means that he has alot on his mind. He has a rly bad temper when he can't find his stuffs, and look for his stuffs with his mouth more than his eyes and hands, just like me. He's a vv good fren to his frens, a great bro to his frens, that's pretty unlike me, I'm.. not a rly good fren, ha. I wish my dad's my brother instead. But I love him just the way he is.
Last year, I had a few crushes but they died down eventually.
Last year, I found myself envious of those who found another half, but truely happy for them.
Last year, I grew fatter when everyone is slimming down.
Last year, I had to chiong for O'lvl maths agn, but if there's ever a second chance to make it, pls make it work this time.
Last year, I got to work at a couple of places like Robinsons Expo, Rubi Ion (still working!); I have fabulous collegues, and fun at work.
Last year, I realise I spent too much of my parents' money and still spending like there's no end.
Last year, I went to Taiwan, which was totally fabulous.
Last year, I found this manga that I'm totally in love with and still not getting sick of it at all, Dengeki Daisy.
Last year, I realise.. we're no longer kids, we have more responsibilities on hand and pple expect more from us. I know my dad actually wants me to take of more of the family, bcus I'm the eldest amongst my sister, but I know he's keeping his stress to himself and not telling me any of it at all, I'm just a immature kid.
Last year, I constantly remind myself that I don't need help from anyone, when actually I do need it in some areas just that I refuse to ask, thinking that I can handle it when I couldn't.
I can't believe I blogged so much about my family which I normally do not share much about.
I'm surprised myself.
These are actually my most inner reflections I made, like today.
Sigh, what the fuck am I doing to my life?!
I didn't want to blog bout last year, but the memories just keep coming back.
When I was thinking bout whether 2009 was a good year, I smiled.
Does this indicate that it was a good year? I guess maybe, it was, I don't know.
2010, something new, everyday is smth that will be filled with surprises.
I shld probably just face it with all I've eh?
One thing I rly want to do this year, during my dad's birthday, I'm gonna foot the bill solely for my family when we go dine @ Oasis.
Anyway, enough of the stuffs that made me a lil teary.
I met with Jonathan along with Demas and co. ystd(Fri)
These sweet pple waited for me to knock off from work before we went for dinner at Far East Plaza together. :D
Walked ard, got tickets for Alvin and the chipmunks 2 for today (Sat), then we headed to Esplande! The view on the roof was great.
Getting tired, plus I'm going out later.
I got smth to say.
I'm so sorry but I hate Kpop.
This sudden craze that caught everyone so into Kpop is ridiculous.
I understand if you like DBSK, bcus even they're sound good, even to me, a anti-kpop-er.
So far it's the best Kpop group ard.
But come on man, just with some vv dumb but catchy songs, like SHINee's Ring-ding-dong and SNSD's Gee.
Or trying to sing Chinese songs when you can't even pronounce the words properly? -.-
Or some dumb songs like Nobody by Wondergirls when you can't even pronounce the word 'You', it sounds like 'Chu' okay. -.-
And SS501's Love like this- it's 'Love' not 'Lub'. -.-
Just bcus you all are pretty/handsome and bcus you can dance rly well is what making your album sell okay.
And hell to the BOF craze that tone down a lil now, I see Kim Hyun Joon (I duno how to spell his name lah) and Lee Minho on every Taiwan and SG mag some time ago, and up till now, they're still on the covers of Taiwan mags when I see them at Kino.
Major turnoff okay.
I'm just ranting, no personal attacks to anyone, seriously.
At the most it was just a trigger.
It's 4.24AM now.
P/S: I'm getting my pay soon! (Y)(Y)
Tag Replies:
Xylia: -.- I dun need everyone to know that I say that all the time. (Actually I rly don't) And this is your crazy obession so keep it to yourself.
Iris: You know what? When I look at Lock's fb album you look happy in every single jumpshot man! LOL.
I'm so addicted to the song from my previous post, OMG.
蔡旻佑 你看不到的天空!
Today's effort, tomorrow's reality.
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