March 25, 2010

I downloaded COLOR's album quite some time ago, but didn't really pay attention to their songs. But today, I realised that they're really good, even though it seems like they ain't that popular. But whatever, I still like them.

COLOR- M Right.

我问女孩 她心裡早有了M Right
我们谁都不该再为难 成全就是爱

Another song, which is also very nice. From the drama, Black and White aka 痞子英雄

想不透 我知道自己没有错
爱你的心忘了上锁 傻傻让爱变成一种折磨
你对我一点不在乎 我还是爱的不认输

“Your face, the way you talk; I hate how much I still love them"

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